“Each individual and community needs something to live for apart from its self and its own work. A global missional vision enlarges ones view of the world, the church, and of the Gospel.” — John R. Mott 1918

The Great Commission is not restricted to one region of the world. There are lost people everywhere, but Valley Church Global Outreach has a vision for strategically targeting the “least reached” people of the word. Global incarnational witness, often called “missions”, focuses on communities beyond the immediate reach of the Valley Church family. These are communities that are economically, culturally, linguistically, or geographically different from those attending Valley Church.
Valley Church is grateful for the opportunity to work together with various “Global Outreach partners” and organizations all over the world. Our Global outreach support is supplied by designated “MISSION/FAITH PROMISE” giving, and is completely separate from our general budget.
There are three primary elements to our GO ministry:
INSPIRE – Understanding the heart of God for the whole world and becoming missional disciples to reach the whole world for Christ. This includes educating, enabling, and inspiring people to the Great Commission.
CONNECT – Developing caring relationships with people and ministries supported by Valley Church in Global Outreach. We have many different ways to show our GO partners how much we love them.
SEND – Strategically sending and supporting ministers and ministries to reach across social, economic, linguistic, and geographical boundaries with the Gospel.