Highlighted Events

Food Pantry

In partnership with CityTeam in the Neighborhood, Valley Church is sponsoring a food pantry on every fourth Friday of the month at 4:30 PM on the patio in front of the worship center. We are excited to help meet the needs of our neighbors and to show them the love of Christ. If you know…

Sisters’ Plant Swap & Propagation Party

Join us on Saturday, March 29, at 10:30 am for a fun and refreshing Plant Swap & Propagation Party! Bring a houseplant or succulent that could use a little trimming, and we’ll share tips on propagating new growth. You’ll get to take home a fresh cutting from someone else’s plant while giving a piece of…

Discover Class

Whether you’re new to Valley Church or you’ve been around for years, this class is for you. Join us and learn more about our church, our faith, and ways to grow deeper in your relationship with God and our church family. Each week you’ll connect with others, get to know church leaders, and be encouraged…


Valley Church provides a GriefShare support group on Tuesdays, March 11-June 3 (13-weeks), 12:00-1:30 pm in Room 3171. GriefShare is a welcoming place to work through grief with others. Watch helpful videos and get insight, comfort, and peace of mind as you discuss with others. For more information, visit https://www.griefshare.org/ or contact Darren Seitz. To…

Midweek Gathering

Join us for Bible study in the book of Romans, hymn singing and prayer, every Wednesday from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Worship Center. For more information, contact Frank Chen.  

Parenting Our Youth Class

Our children are such a wonderful gift from the Lord, and there can be both great joys and tremendous struggles in raising them. Our time together in this class will provide a safe place for us to learn, share, pray, and find meaningful support in parenting our youth. The focus of this class will be…

Valley Golden Agers Luncheon

Valley Golden Agers meet second Fridays of the month in the Campus Center. Fellowship at 11:00 am; lunch at 12:00 noon. Cost: $10. Sign up at the table in the lobby after worship service. Email info@valleychurch.org for more information.

Pop-Up Clothing Closet

Exciting news! Valley Church will be providing a pop-up clothing closet with CityTeam on the second Friday of every month at 4:30 PM on the church patio. Valley Church does not accept clothing donations. All clothing donations should go to CityTeam for processing. Here’s the information. https://www.cityteam.org/giving/donation-needs

Sisters Zumba Class

Join us for fellowship in the Lord as we utilize the gift & joy of dance in fitness featuring Zumba with licensed instructor Emily. Bring a mat and wear comfortable workout clothes. The Zumba class will be on Saturday, April 12, 2:00-3:15 pm, in the Student Center. You are welcome to bring friends.  Please feel…