The Good, the Bad, and the Bitter

A tumbleweed blows through a hot and dusty landscape as the passing wind creates a low and lonely whistle in the distance.  A sunburned and wrinkled hand sifts the parched earth through calloused fingers as a lone tear slides down the dusty cheek of a desperate widow. A beautiful young woman is at the mercy of scruffy ruffians with no regard for the law because there is no law. Every person is on their own. A long-standing blood feud hangs heavy in the air.

But a mysterious stranger rides into town. Nobody is quite clear where he’s come from. Is he a simple farmer or is there more to him? No one knows. The stranger and the young woman just “happen” to meet and sparks fly between them.

And then there’s a showdown at the town square. An unscrupulous land baron tries to cheat the widow and grab her land, but the stranger intervenes and catches him red-handed. The town’s people sheepishly come up with newfound courage and stand for justice. The villain is thwarted, the hero triumphs, and of course, the couple fall in love and live happily ever after.

Is this movie a Western or a Hallmark love story? It’s actually the book of Ruth! This Sunday we’ll study The Story chapter 10. We’ll see how a foreign refugee is used by God to protect His eternal purposes (Upper Story) and to remind God’s people of His faithfulness even in the midst of the darkest and most desperate circumstances.

That’s a message all of us need at some point, isn’t it? If you aren’t there today, odds are you’ll be there soon. Our natural tendency is to get hardened and bitter. Despite the name of the book, this story isn’t just about Ruth. You’ll have to look at someone else in the story to see the grace and mercy of God coming alongside a hurting soul and watch how God can change bitterness to joy.

Darren tells me that he and others will be volunteering at the Real Options “Ignite for Life 2021” event on 11/6/21. You can help set up (that’s what Darren is going to do) or help with parking. We were just blessed by having Valerie Hill, CEO of Real Options Obria Medical Clinics, share in a previous worship service. Here’s a great way to support this wonderful organization. Sign up through this link.

We keep needing to order more copies of The Story to keep up with the demand! Giving a copy of The Story and a Study Guide ($10 total) would be a great Christmas gift along with an invitation to join us at Valley Church after Christmas.

In Christ,
Kurt Jones

P.S. Yesterday we learned that our dear sister Ruth Schloh went to be with the Lord. Many of us talked with her just last Sunday! We are rejoicing that she is with her Savior!