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Ever been in an auto accident? I used a sad story at the beginning of a message I shared years ago. A pastor was traveling with his family in the Northwest. An oncoming vehicle lost control and crashed into their family car. The pastor lost in that tragic accident his: Wife Mother Two of his…
Our world is in great chaos on so many levels right now (political, biological, relational, financial, racial, etc.). Politicians are often expected to not only address all these problems, but to have solutions as well. Though these issues have been discussed for many years, it is very rare to find a current politician that has…
I won’t lie to you… I was pretty scared. Our family was driving back to Chicago for our oldest daughter’s graduation from college. We stopped in at Zion National Park and were on the famous “Angels Landing” trail which is consistently cited as one of the world’s most dangerous hikes. It is not hard to…
Hello dear friends, What makes a great gift? I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently because I got a truly excellent gift for the past Father’s Day. It was unexpected – I hadn’t talked about this item to my family. It is cool technology – c’mon, I’m a Dad! It is practical – so…
Dearly Beloved, Why do you text, tweet, call, write an email or post a letter? Most of us have a “specific intended purpose” in our heads as well as something on our hearts! Our current series is called, “Beloved” from the book of Ephesians. And here are three questions for you: Why did Paul write…
It was so great to come together last Sunday as we were able to reopen our doors! Whether you were inside, on the lawn, or online, we are glad you joined us. We celebrated six baptisms and what a joyous time it was. We continued in our series, “Beloved: Welcome to the Family of God”…
It seems like just last week that we were studying 1 Peter 3:8, “Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.” The days of us needing to hear these words from God are far from over. Satan has done all he can to divide and…
I’ll never forget the first time I met Valorie’s family. I don’t mean her mom and dad and sisters. I mean the WHOLE bunch. You see I grew up in a small family. I didn’t know my grandparents, my dad is an only child, my mom has one sister living in another state. I’ve seen…
Dear friends, For 5 months we have been “journeying together“ through 1 Peter. This Sunday our study will end but your life journey as well as mine will continue! When we take a journey or go on vacation it is wise to prepare! Peter was encouraging and exhorting believers in the 1st century to prepare…
How would you like to hear a news report that two tigers had killed a man and were prowling around your neighborhood? That’s exactly what happened this past Tuesday, May 25 in Shanghai, China. CBS News reports a zoo staff member was feeding the big cats when they got loose and mauled the man who later died…