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Dear beloved friends, Kurt reminded us on Sunday about “loving one another” amidst pain and disillusionment. There are over 50 “one another” exhortations in the NT. The Holy Spirit reminds us that we need one another especially in providing comfort! This “isolation” that we have and are experiencing should never be the “new normal” for…
Dear Valley Church family, As most of you know I’ve got leaky eyes. It doesn’t take much to get tears started for me. This Sunday I’ll be preaching on one of my favorite Bible texts. It’s just two words – “Jesus wept”. No, it’s not my “life verse”, but it certainly seems appropriate for these…
A couple of years ago Valorie and I led a team from Valley Church to serve with Hands of Hope (HOH) in Zimbabwe. Glen and Patty Miller have seen the Lord do amazing things for almost two decades as they’ve sought to care for the poor, the orphans, and the disadvantaged through the love and…
Hi Valley Church Family, I hope you’ve had a chance to read my first “weekly” from Tuesday about the racial violence and rioting that our country is experiencing. It comes on top of an already difficult situation regarding the Covid 19 pandemic and the shelter in place regulations we’re all under. I hope you’ll listen…
The Bible tells us in Romans 12:15, “… weep with those who weep.” My heart is heavy over the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and so many more deeply painful reminders of the sin of injustice. I sorrow for the families of these as well as those of Patrick Underwood, David McAtee,…
Every once in a while, we get to see God’s incredible timing. As you know we’ve been praying and fasting our way through the book of Joel as a church. This week we turned a corner to the themes of “restore” and “return”. We read about God’s gracious blessings on His peple after a time…
Valley Church Family, We are in the midst of a wonderful series on Family Matters. In the last few weeks, we have been reflecting on God’s design for husbands and wives in marriage. We live in an exceedingly permissive culture in which threats to a Godly marriage are numerous, so in my sermon this week…
Psalm 13 starts out, “How long, O lord?” Some of us are asking that same question… How long will the Shelter in Place (SIP) rule be in place? How long until I can go back to work again? How long until my kids can safely hug their grandparents again? How long until we can gather…
Back in October I hurt my knee. Yes, I probably deserved it, playing ultimate frisbee with a bunch of 20 year olds on the beach at our daughter’s pre-wedding party. I thought I could shake it off but after several months of pain I had to get an x-ray. Unfortunately it was inconclusive so an…
Dear Beloved of Valley Church, By now the reality of our current world situation is beginning to sink in. A couple of times I’ve thought, “Is this just a dream, or is this really happening?” Yes, it’s really happening and we’re coming to grips with what life looks like in our new reality. And while…