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Dear family, Don’t you just love waiting in long lines? Unlike all the technology we have now, I remember waiting 4 hours to register for my classes before I was even inside the building my freshman year in college. How about going to the DMV? My wife one time lost her place in line at…
Dear friends, Happy 4th of July 2 days early! If you listen to all that we are bombarded with in our IT world then perhaps you are not celebrating what is going on in our nation? If I were to take you back to when the prophet Hosea spoke to God’s people you probably would…
Dear friends, (Please watch before Sunday) Are you fond of insects? If so which one’s? I bet you didn’t know this bit of trivia: “It has long been recognized and documented that insects are the most diverse group of organisms, meaning that the numbers of species of insects are more than any other group.…
Dear beloved, Patty and I are flying from Dubai to SFO as I type! A sweet 15-hour flight – ok maybe not so sweet! I am sitting next to a woman with a little 6-month baby boy who has been crying most of the trip! Her name is Sharmin and the little guy is named…
Dear friends, I was a senior in high school, driving my hand-me-down, beat-up, faded-blue family sedan on my way to the Exploratorium in San Francisco. It was a school trip and had my friend with me, riding shotgun. Some of you might remember that the old Exploratorium used to be near the Golden Gate Bridge,…
Dear friends, Some time ago, while I was driving south on 101 in Mill Valley, I saw a road sign that read, ‘Rough Road Ahead’! I thought, man, what an appropriate sign for life and sometimes what we experience. Some 918 people may have had warning signs going off inside, but perished because of one…
Dear friends, I have done a lot of travel over the last 44 years! My eyes have gazed upon some beautiful and spectacular scenery. The Pyramids are something to behold but I would have to say for just one look, “Victoria Falls” is in a class by itself! I have been there countless times but…
Dear friends, How important is touch? We all know that it is one of our most important senses! I am not a developmental psychologist but I vividly remember the countless touches I received from dad and mom growing up! Perhaps I doubted at times my parents love but as I look back nothing stands out…
Dear brothers and sisters, As I am sitting next to my window, I can’t believe how warm and nice today is. What a blessing it is to enjoy this kind of weather we have. But for the Samaritan woman that Jesus met at the well probably wasn’t too fond of the Mediterranean heat at high…
Dear friends, “For the Son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Luke 19:10 I would venture to say that most of you who receive this email would not put yourself in the category of being lost? But don’t be so sure! What do you think about when you…