Dear Valley Church family, Please allow me to introduce you to a sister you never knew you had. Naomi* from Kenya is 45 years old and is the mother of nine children. Until recently, her hometown was a very peaceful town. But in April 2019, that peace was shattered when terrorists started attacking the community. …
Dear friends, People across the US are casting their ballots as I type. All of us are making choices based on our individual beliefs, values, principles, and convictions which we call a worldview. There are Christ followers on both sides of the aisle praying as Patty did early this morning! Millions will be rejoicing, and…
Dearly beloved, To be loved dearly by someone probably is the closest thing to heaven on earth! But to be loved unconditionally as well as eternally by Someone whose sovereignty rules over all is the greatest news possible! Last Sunday the message title was, “A Profile of a Christ Follower.” I asked everyone to think…
Dear friends, We have 6 nays and 12 ayes, so the ayes have it – the “yes” votes win! Aye is an archaic or dialect word meaning ‘yes’ now used in standard speech when voting! Election day is almost upon us and I urge you to vote! Since coming to Valley I think we have had 6…
Dear Family, I just heard that our dear friends Ian and Robyn Cooper (and their four young children) need our help tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday. Here’s the need: 1. loading furniture & boxes onto a truck from 3 pm – 6 pm Saturday at 1087 Morris Ct, San Jose, CA 951262. unloading furniture & boxes into…
Hi Brothers and Sisters, Do you like riddles? This Sunday, our Lord has a doozy for us. It’s a delightfully enigmatic teaching that Jesus gives to the puzzled disciples of John who (I think) pull Jesus out of Matthew’s banquet because they just have to ask him a big question. Jesus answers mysteriously, with (I…
Dear Valley Church family, On Tuesday Valorie and I were at a live gathering of some of our elders, pastors and spouses. It was so good to be together again for our “Fifth Tuesday” fellowship, since we had missed several due to the shelter in place regulations. With outdoor gatherings of up to 60 approved…
Got any major demolition on your “to do” list today? For several summers during my college years I worked for a contractor. My primary responsibilities included carrying wood and clean up, but my favorite part of the job was demolition. I’d walk into a bedroom or bathroom and get to tear it down to the…
Do you recognize this distinguished looking man? I used to be a betting man, but I will make a wager that you are stumped? This is a picture of Simón Bolívar (1783-1830). I typed this sentence in Google, “Who is the greatest Liberator of all time?” Answer – “There can be no doubt about #1…
In 1936 the Queen Mary was the largest, fastest, and most luxurious ocean liner ever built. She was unsurpassed, with the furnishing of the finest hotels, beauty salons, air conditioning, two indoor swimming pools, and telephone connectivity to anywhere in the world. But in World War Two, because of her record-breaking size and speed, she…