Dear Brothers and Sisters, Steve Meyer better watch his back. If you haven’t met him, he’s one of our deacons and he leads our Alpha Ministry. He’s known for his humor and always kicks off the evening with a hilarious monologue. However, there’s a NEW KID IN TOWN, Aidan Wu. This kid is F-U-N-N-Y! Here…
Dear friends, Coronavirus hysteria is not only affecting Wuhan, China but it now is in many countries of the world. When it will end is unknown except to the Creator of every living thing. There is another virus that destroys more people, families and cultures than the coronavirus – it is the “anger-virus” along with…
Dear friends, Acquitted? I think you probably know what it means from a definition standpoint: To relieve from a charge of fault or crime; declare not guilty To release or discharge (a person) from an obligation. To settle or satisfy (a debt, obligation, claim, etc.). To free or clear (oneself) But what about “acquit” from…
Dear friends, So, what does a “real” Jesus’ follower look like? How can you know if someone is the “real” deal? ☺ Can you spot a real believer by knowing their political affiliation? ☺ Can you identify a child of God based on how they vote on political and social issues? ☺ If they have…
Hello friends! If you are like me, you probably don’t go too far through the day without having some kind of a conflict. It may be minor or major; maybe it’s your fault and maybe it isn’t, but either way, you end up at odds with another person. The dictionary describes conflict as “to be…
Dear friends, Happy New Year! Welcome to 2020! I went to the gym today and it was packed with people who I would imagine want to get in shape or stay in shape? Perhaps they are hoping that 2020 will be a great and happy year? They are off to a good start from a…
Quilotoa is one of many volcanic wonders in Ecuador. It is a 2-mile-wide lake filling a dormant volcano that collapsed many years ago. In 2018 Valorie and I were able to visit our daughter Elena during her semester in Quito. We chose Quilotoa as a scenic and “easy” hike because the next day we planned…
Merry Christmas, Testify? You will because you don’t have any options! You will not have to “testify” before the House of Representatives or the US Senate! For sure you will never have to stand before a Roman Tribunal. But you will “testify” before the Judge of all the earth! If you have a defense do…
Dear loved ones, With online shopping getting more and more popular, it’s very common these days to see mail carriers coming to the door with multiple packages. As the doorbell rings, we are filled with two questions. First, “Is it for ME?” and, if so, second, “What IS it?” Unless you have zero impulse control and simply rip the package…
Happy Thanksgiving, Our news headlines have been dominated it seems with “impeachment.” Most of us are familiar with the normal definition, “The presentation of formal charges against a public official by the lower house, trial to be before the upper house.” Did you notice the last two words in the last sentence? We will all…