Sunday Worship (Page 22)


Happy Thanksgiving, Our news headlines have been dominated it seems with “impeachment.” Most of us are familiar with the normal definition, “The presentation of formal charges against a public official by the lower house, trial to be before the upper house.” Did you notice the last two words in the last sentence?  We will all…

An enemy has done this!

Dear soldiers, Following Jesus in this crooked, twisted and evil world mandates that we choose “the narrow path” each and every day. The broad path leads to destruction and multitudes are on that path blindly following blind men. The destination is not in question – the pit! Jesus tells a parable regarding the wheat and…


Dear friends, “Life can turn on a dime!”  This may be the first time some of you have ever heard this expression?  It means that “life is often governed by very small events,” just like a dime is a small coin. I was at the gym chatting with a couple of people when a Nigerian…