Church Blog (Page 26)

We will rise

But in fact, Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 1 Cor 15:20 December 13, 1977 is a day the residents of Evansville, Indiana will never forget. A new book, “We Will Rise: A True Story of Tragedy and Resurrection in the American Heartland,” recounts the plane…

Get Ready!

March 20, 2020 Dear Valley Church friends and family, Like you, I’m working from home instead of going into the office and it seems strange. While it’s hard to believe we’re living out a unique moment of world history, day to day living goes on. We’re all trying to figure out work and school and…

Church Services-Update

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might.” –Eph 6:10 Dear Valley Church Family, As you know, the coronavirus is a serious concern for our church family and community. By now you’ve probably seen the news and heard the various reports. Just this morning County officials announced a new ban…

Daylight Saving Time Starts

Dear Valley Church Family, Please don’t forget that Daylight Saving Time starts at 2:00 AM. I saw this cartoon recently and it relates to our message tomorrow on Matthew 5:33-37. The caption reads: “I’ll be the first to admit—under oath, subpoenaed, and with the threat of prosecution—that I was wrong.” Doumer and John will lead…

What a day!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Steve Meyer better watch his back. If you haven’t met him, he’s one of our deacons and he leads our Alpha Ministry. He’s known for his humor and always kicks off the evening with a hilarious monologue. However, there’s a NEW KID IN TOWN, Aidan Wu. This kid is F-U-N-N-Y! Here…

it binds and blinds and grinds

In his book Killing Giants, Pulling Thorns, Chuck Swindoll illustrates the giant of lust through the tragic life of Samson, describing him as “a he-man with a she-weakness”. He goes on to say, “Several things that illustrate his lustful bent may be observed from the record of his life in the Book of Judges: The…

Coronavirus hysteria

Dear friends, Coronavirus hysteria is not only affecting Wuhan, China but it now is in many countries of the world.  When it will end is unknown except to the Creator of every living thing. There is another virus that destroys more people, families and cultures than the coronavirus – it is the “anger-virus” along with…