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If two of the first words that children learn how to say are “no”, and “mine”, then the first sentence they learn is, “That’s not FAIR”! We all have a deep sense of fairness, don’t we? Especially when we feel we’re treated unjustly! No doubt all of us have been misunderstood or maligned at some point…
Dearly beloved, When I was a youngster, one of my most frequent complaints was, “That’s not fair!” Everything had to be fair, and if it was not then I was not a happy camper! My dad, if I remember correctly, told me in so many words on more than one occasion that if I thought…
Dear Church Family, How eager we are to worship with you this Sunday on the screen or under the sun. Our topic is a biggie: when to comply with the government and when to politely refuse. It’s a hot issue. It’s a controversial issue. How we need God’s Word and God’s Spirit as we represent God’s Son…
Dear Saints, The Basilica La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona Spain is truly an amazing piece of history and architecture – started in 1882 (139 years ago), it reached it’s mid-point of construction in 2010. That’s using modern construction technology and computers, and it’s still going. At this point in time there are only eight towers,…
Dearly Beloved, “Come what may!” Do you know where that saying came from? A version of it was known in France as early as 1375, however it was popularized by Shakespeare’s Macbeth, 1605. The Spanish had their own version, “whatever will be, will be.” The phrase basically means, “Whatever comes to pass will come to…
Dear Aliens, Vaccinated? When I was growing up, I had a friend who lived on a farm close to ours who had polio! It is not a friendly disease. If you were vaccinated, you probably do not remember it because you were too young. Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a disabling and life-threatening disease caused by the…
Dearly Beloved, In what’s believed to be a first, no survivors or veterans of World War II attended the annual Pearl Harbor Day event in Hawaii on December 7, 2020, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. December 7 is National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day, commemorating the day when Japanese forces launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941,…
As I’m writing this update, Mr. Joe Biden has been sworn in as President of the United States and is speaking to the nation in his inaugural speech. It is a rousing address full of calls for unity, promises of prosperity, and HOPE for the future. That’s exactly what an “inauguration” is supposed to do……
Every year, the National Geographic Society sponsors a geography contest called The National Geographic Bee, where students in the fourth through eighth grades compete to see whose geographic knowledge will reign supreme. Here are a few of the questions the students have been asked. (If you get all three right with no outside help, I’ll buy you…
Dearly Beloved, Do you know what today is? January 6, 2021, of course, but according to the Christian calendar it is “Epiphany.” You can read the historic account of the Maji traveling to worship God incarnate in Bethlehem in Matthew 2:1-12. They brought their gifts, but more than that, they opened their hearts to the…