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Several years ago, a group of us from Valley Church, along with other friends, participated in an event called a “Spartan Race.” It’s basically a 13.2-mile run, but with one added bonus. Along the way there are 26 “obstacles” – barriers that intentionally challenge the runners to overcome. These include a rope climb, a 100-pound…
Dear Runners, When I was 3 years old my left knee started to swell, and swell, and swell! My father and mother took me to doctors, but they were unable to diagnosis the cause. Finally, they took me to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. The surgeon said, “Mr. and Mrs. Miller, we are going…
As a kid I remember seeing a show on TV called, “Let’s Make a Deal.” The basic premise of the show is that the host offers guests something of value who are then given the choice of keeping the item or exchanging it for something else. The “deal” is that the other item is kept…
Dear Disciples, Are you and I “real” disciples of the Lord Jesus in word and deed? Do others see Jesus in us? How do you spot an authentic “Christ follower?” It is not a trivial matter! If you were with us last Sunday we started our time in God’s Word with this verse, “David, after…
Can you think of a time of prolonged waiting in your life? I recently went to the DMV and it seemed like it took FOREVER. On a more serious note, maybe you were waiting to hear back on a college application, or a job interview, or results from a medical test. Sometimes it seems like…
Dear Friends, Do you believe in destiny? How about a destination when you die? What do those two words mean and is there any connection? The word destiny refers to the predetermined course of events or the inevitable outcome of a person’s life. It often implies a sense of fate or predestination, suggesting that certain…
Hey Family, I met with Elena J. and Dave C. last week to talk about Valley’s new partnership with Foster the City. God stirred Elena’s heart to drive this for us at Valley. She’s our Advocate. FTC is about equipping churches to provide loving homes for children in foster care and to create supportive teams…
I recently reconnected with an old friend at the Perspectives class being hosted by Valley Church on Sunday nights. Among other things, Dan Lagasse is a seasoned global worker in nine different countries, an effective missions mobilizer, and an amazing horn player in the Sons of Jubal. On top of that, we’ve been friends for…
Dear Teammates, Your greatest challenge in life is ____________? Only you can fill in the blank, but a definition might prove helpful. Webster says a challenge is – to dispute, to confront, to call out, to question, or to invite into competition. As Christ followers we are not to be in competition with one another…
Like many of you, we’ve received a number of Christmas cards with beautiful calligraphy, profound Bible verses, and lovely poetry. But many are also filled with inaccurate historical representations of what the Bible tells us about the birth of Christ. For many of us, our understanding of the events around Jesus’s birth have been shaped…